Finding ways to curb your monthly spending may leave you feeling like you’re living to work, not the other way around. When you’ve trimmed the excess from your monthly budget and still need to cut back more, it may take some creative thinking to get those dollars and cents to start adding up.
For most people, the first step toward saving on bills is getting rid of all the extra spending. However, that’s not always enough, and it’s not always practical or realistic to cut down to bare bones. Before you stress about where to cut next, take a look at these tips for little changes that can add up to big savings:
2Update Your Mobile Phone and Plan
Do some checking to ensure you’re getting the best value on your mobile service. Make sure you’re only paying for the features and services you use, and that you’re not paying for more data or access than you need. You may even find that looking into a prepaid mobile phone program like the NUU Mobile Smartphone bundle is the most cost-effective route. You can get one of the latest Android smartphones with up to 2 months of the Lycamobile $29 monthly unlimited plan included. The plan provides unlimited nationwide talk, text and data, as well as unlimited international texts and a generous international calling allowance. With no contract and the ability to make the switch in minutes, there is no need to worry about spending valuable time waiting in line for a new device and plan.