Even for families with a moderate household income, keeping expenses down and managing a budget can feel like a job all on its own. Ensuring monthly obligations are met, creating an emergency fund or planning for a major purchase can make the task even harder.
If you’re working to get your family’s finances under tighter control, consider these ideas to help curb spending and create new cash flow.

5Trim the Fat

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It’s no secret that fat adds flavor, but it also adds a lot of unnecessary calories. Chances are good that there are many things you spend on that fit in the same category, running up your monthly expenses. Entertainment and eating out are common culprits, but the solutions can be quite simple. Treat those activities as a line item in your budget, and when that money is gone so are the extras for the month. You can also look to save on entertainment by making minor changes, such as hosting a movie night at home instead of going to the theater or looking for restaurants that offer free kids’ nights.

Find more tips for your budget-conscious lifestyle at eLivingToday.com.




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